The Devil is in the Detail
This small dome piece is one of a series focusing on inner landscapes and elemental forces. Beasts and flames boil together. The phrase 'The Devil is in the Detail' is a phrase derived from a famous painting where a demons face is seen in the skirts of a Welsh lady.
Porcelain, stoneware, glass, slips and gold lustre fired three times h 150mm including dome
The Stuff that Dreams are Made of
The Stuff that Dreams are Made Of illustrates the ever changing inner landscape, Part of a series of small domes featuring the little face of my children's old bath toy Jeff. Freed of his earthly purpose he travels through times and space forever.
Porcelain, stoneware, glass, slips and gold lustre fired three times h 150mm including dome
Belle, Spore and Wort
Belle, Spore and Wort
A blossoming of an organic nature, decorative detailed porcelain sculpture housed in glass domes.
Porcelain, onglaze enamels, lustre, glass dome
Belle £190.00 SOLD
Spore £250.00
Wort £300.00
Heart Tree Dome
A brave little heart tree shaped by the elements clings to a snowy landscape.
One white heart has fallen to the floor, one red and one gold still remain.
Porcelain, onglaze enamels, lustre, glass dome
h 18 x d 10 cm.
Lost Souls Dome
Acanthus leaves symbolising immortality, mourning and sin are formed into claws holding golden orbs.
Grotesque growths and faces emerge out of the swirling mass.
Stoneware, porcelain, slips, lustre, onglaze enamel. dome h27 x d14cm
£350.00 including glass dome with wooden base
Combine nursery rhymes, old toys, a love for Victorian plant theatres and the many voices in your head and this is the result
Porcelain, porcelain paper clay, slips, lustres dome h27 x d14 cm
How does your Garden Grow?
Tree from the Land of Lost
As a child I spent a lot of time trying to make the most beautiful thing I could imagine.
This piece intertwines the natural world and historical ceramics with personal memories of story books, old toys and the fairground.
Stoneware, porcelain, onglaze enamels, gold lustre. dome 30 x 20 cm
£350.00 SOLD
including glass dome and wooden base.
Flora and Fauna
A curious labyrinth of rare wonder
Porcelain, onglaze enamels, lustre, dome h30 x d20 cm.
£275.00 SOLD
Square Laughing Box
Square box with weeblefaces, golden scrolls, houses, birds and flowers.
The lid is inspired by childhood memories of the stars on the ceiling of my parish church.
Porcelain, slips, gold lustre 15 x 15 x 7 cm